Proprietary Research

Capturing information regarding securities class action litigation across the globe


The World's Foremost Research Analysts Providing Leading Insight and Litigation Settlement Support


Battea Global Litigation Research, Inc., is a dedicated research company comprised of highly skilled corporate research analysts providing research and litigation support relating to business valuation and complex securities litigations.

BGLR’s experience in the United States, Canada, and Internationally, combined with our industry knowledge and expertise in economics, finance and complex business litigation research make us uniquely qualified to assist clients at all stages of the litigation process.

Our expertise is broad and diverse and covers all types of class and collective actions.

In addition to identifying, analyzing and monitoring securities and financial market related class and collective actions worldwide, the professional litigation research team has experience and can assist clients in the following:

  • Pre-Complaint research and analysis
  • Early Case Assessment and Settlement Value
  • Securities Fraud Class Action Litigation (Securities Act of 1933 and Securities Exchange Act of 1934)
  • Mergers & Acquisitions Deal/Peer comparison
  • Appraisal Rights
  • Expert Witness Support
  • BGLR’s research team frequently publishes in depth research reports on specific litigations, litigation trends and statistics and its members frequently speak at industry events.


Battea focuses on capturing information regarding securities class action litigation


Battea’s proprietary research focuses on capturing information regarding securities class action litigation taking place both in the United States and internationally. In addition to the comprehensive case and settlement tracking and plan of allocation research performed in connection with the Company’s class action claims filing service, the Company has invested in additional senior research experts. As part of their responsibilities, they are tasked with identifying and analyzing specific cases and general litigation developments outside the US. We employ various services, search mechanisms and protocols, through which we are confident we will identify any relevant litigation initiatives. Through frequent communication with a number of international law firms in different jurisdictions, we sometimes identify early stage litigation initiatives, prior to any prior general public announcement.

Maximize Settlement Recovery

Battea streamlines the recovery process for institutional investors

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Unparalleled Case Spotlights

Learn about the more than $15 billion available to eligible investors

International Research

Battea provides full service, detailed global monitoring, and researches the various coalitions and particular technicalities around opt-in timing and terms.

At the very basic level, pursuing securities fraud claims outside of the United States generally requires investors to litigate individually or to “opt-in” to some form of group or collective action. With respect to collective actions outside of the US, damaged investors must generally affirmatively opt-in to the litigation in order to participate in any subsequent settlement or judgment. While most proposed litigation is announced or advertised in advance, investors often receive information about non-U.S. cases, through somewhat random and disparate sources and methods. We provide a full service detailed global monitoring solution and research the various coalitions and particular technicalities around opt-in timing and terms.