Australian FX Cartel Class Action

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Australian FX Cartel Class Action







January 1, 2008 – October 15, 2013

  • icon-non-settling-defendant


    UBS, Barclays Bank, Citibank, JPMorgan, and NatWest Markets (formerly The Royal Bank of Scotland)

  • icon-eligible-class


    All persons or entities, during January 1, 2008 and October 15, 2013, that engaged in foreign exchange transactions:

    1. Which were arranged in Australia, either because you were located in Australia (either directly or indirectly through an agent) or because the bank or financial institution that you arranged them through was located in Australia; and
    2. The total value of your transactions in the affected currencies during this period exceeded AUD $500,000.
  • icon-eligible-instruments


    Eligibility criteria includes trading FX spots and/or outright forwards in Affected Currency Pairs between January 1,  2008 and October 15, 2013, that were arranged in Australia (directly or indirectly through an agent) and the total value of the transactions exceeded AUD $500,000.

    Affected Currency Pairs means: AUD, GBP, EUR, JPY, NZD, or the USD, paired with most other major world currencies (approximately 28).

    Traders do not need to have traded with one of the Respondent Banks to be eligible to register.

  • icon-allegations

    Preliminary Allegations

    It is alleged that the respondent banks engaged in cartel conduct that artificially influenced the prices of FX Instruments during the Relevant Period, causing financial loss to group members. Specifically, it is claimed that the banks reached agreements or understandings to cooperate in trading FX Instruments by sharing non-public information and coordinating their trading activities and the prices at which these instruments were offered. This conduct allegedly aimed to fix, control, or maintain FX Instrument prices, resulting in losses for the Applicant and group members. The banks are accused of sharing information on customer order types and attributes, planned trading activities, and customer spreads, and coordinating trades in advance of customer orders to manipulate currency prices to their advantage. The respondent banks deny these allegations and are defending the proceedings.

    This alleged cartel conduct has been the subject of extensive regulatory and private enforcement actions, including class actions in the United States and Canada, which have resulted in settlements totaling over USD $2.3 billion and CAD $107 million, respectively.

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    Case Summary

    Australian FX Cartel Class Action

    Class action filed by Maurice Blackburn that alleges illegal cartel conduct in the FX market from January 1, 2008 to October 15, 2013.

    Registration Deadline: 8/11/24; law firm is currently looking to identify claims eligible clients and total notational. No data needed yet.

    According to the Law firm’s website, the complaint alleges that for affected currencies this resulted in the manipulation of:

    1. Foreign exchange benchmark rates;
    2. The pricing of “spreads”, which is the difference between the price at which given currencies can be bought and the price at which they can be sold on the foreign exchange market; and
    3. The triggering of client stop loss orders and limit orders and other manipulative conduct.

Case Updates


There is a court-ordered confidentiality regime in place that provides significant protections to registrants who might have concerns about confidentiality, specifically whether the Respondent banks will know the identity of the trader. The confidentiality protections provide, among other things, that only the Respondents’ external counsel and experts may access registrant identity information. That is, no one from the Respondents may receive group member identifying information.

Requested Registration Information

Registration is a simple and confidential process that Battea will complete on behalf of participating clients. Provided information will include the registrant’s name, trading characteristics, and summary transaction volume. However, to preserve your claim, you may need to provide Battea with limited trade data or information not typically collected in the onboarding process.

Next Steps

Registration Deadline

Battea will end its registration efforts on 4pm on August 11, 2024, Eastern United States time zone. The official court registration deadline is 4pm on August 12, 2024, Australia time zone.

Contact your Battea Customer Service Representative today.

  • icon-company-profile


    Country: Australian

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